Thursday, 27 January 2011

Call for Presentations

The deadline for title and abstracts for the next round is 28 March 2011.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Keynote Speaker - Josie Taylor

Josie Taylor is Professor of Learning Technologies and Director of Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University in the UK. She has a bachelor’s degree in Dance, Drama and Psychology (University College, Worcester) and a D.Phil in Cognitive Sciences (University of Sussex). Her research focuses on understanding the ways in which people learn from complex media (traditional and digital) and how best to design those media to support learning. In 2005 she achieved national impact through the development of a UK e-learning research agenda to advise the research councils on priorities for the ESRC/EPSRC Technology-Enhanced Learning funding initiative.

Keynote Speaker - Richard Noss

Richard Noss is co-director of the London Knowledge Lab, an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Institute of Education (IOE) and Birkbeck, two colleges of the University of London. He is Professor of Mathematics Education at the IOE, holding a Masters degree in pure mathematics and a PhD in mathematical education. He was co-founder and deputy scientific manager of Kaleidoscope, the  European network of excellence for technology-enhanced learning, and is currently  the director of the Technology Enhanced Learning research programme funded jointly by the ESRC and EPSRC. 

Keynote Speaker - Mira Vogel

Mira Vogel is an Academic Developer at in the Learning Enhancement Unit at Goldsmiths, University of London where she has a wide remit including pedagogies of assessment and feedback, collaborative work, large group sessions and institutional online learning environments. She is currently involved in a Higher Education Academy project Engaging Academic Development for Technology-Enhanced Learning.

Keynote Speaker - Andrew Middleton

Andrew Middleton is a Senior Lecturer in Academic Innovation at Sheffield Hallam University where he has responsibility for Creative Development and Academic Literacies. He has produced podcasts such as the Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education podcast since 2005 and publishes regularly on the subjects of digital voices, audio feedback, and mobile learning. Andrew is a leading contributor to the UK Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group.