Thursday, 31 May 2012

Need special software?

All conference presenters will need to use the provided Windows PC for their presentations as we are using special screen-recording software. If you have any special software requirements other than the Web, please contact our systems manager urgently to discuss your eLearning 2.0 requirements.

Please note it is an official holiday here in the UK on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th when most people will be unavailable.

Programme Updated

Minor updates to the conference programme and abstracts are available reflecting one last minute change of presentation

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Abstracts available

Abstracts of the conference presentations are now available for download from the Downloads link

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Down to Chair a Session?

There is a brief Guide for Session Chairs available from the Downloads link

Programme Available

The draft programme for eLearning 2.0 2012 is now available from the Downloads link at the top of the page. Presenters should check whether you are also down for chairing a session.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Conference Taster

We have an exciting line up of presentations for eLearning 2.0. Here's a taster of some of the topics:

  • Microblogging tools used by academics
  • Online dialogic discussion groups
  • Serious games
  • Facebook usage by students
  • Twitter for teaching
  • Diigo for teaching
  • Peer assessment and electronic voting
Participant countries of origin include: UK, Canada, USA, Ghana, Georgia, and Australia. Programme available shortly!

Live link to Canada

Keynote speaker Maggie McPherson is planning a live video link with Francois Desjardins in Canada on the first day of the conference. Hope the technology works!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Only 17 days to go!

eLearning 2.0 opening Keynote is on 7th June. If you have not yet submitted your registration form, please do so immediately. Looking forward to meeting you all.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Deadline approaching!

Don't forget, the deadline for title and abstracts for the next round is 8 May 2012. We are looking forward to reading them!